Beta is here!

It’s finally happening! After months of development, debugging, and wondering whether an infinite number of monkeys really could type Shakespeare, we’re thrilled to announce that our monkey project is entering beta!

What is this madness?

If you haven’t been following along, here’s the deal: You can sponsor a digital monkey, equip it with a typewriter, and let it type away endlessly. We’ll scan every letter it produces, checking for real words from Shakespeare’s works. Every word counts toward your monkey’s progress, earning it points, achievements, and special cosmetic rewards. Want a monkey in a top hat? A banana-themed desk? A suspiciously Shakespearean ruffled collar? Keep typing and see what your monkey unlocks!

What’s planned for beta?

Right now, sponsoring new monkeys is closed to the public, but feel free to browse around and get a taste of what’s coming. Right now all the basics are in place, and in the coming weeks we’re fine-tuning the experience before opening the floodgates. This includes adding more achievements, cosmetics, monkey and desk variety, and much more. Our goal is to have a full public launch in April.

Monkeys with a Mission

We’re also beyond excited to share that we’ll be announcing charitable partnerships with real-world organizations dedicated to monkey conservation and wildlife support. That’s right—your digital monkey antics will help real monkeys in need! More details on this soon.

What’s next?

While we’re busy refining the game, we’d love to hear from you! Got ideas for fun cosmetic rewards? Have a favorite Shakespeare quote you’d love to see as a special achievement? Let us know!

For now, get ready—your monkey army is coming soon. Stay tuned, stay excited, and get those keyboards warmed up. April is going to be bananas!